
Keysets specify the public keys of Committee members and the number of signatures required for a Data Availability Certificate to be valid. Keysets make Committee membership changes possible and provide Committee members the ability to change their keys.

Keysets are identified by their hashes, and each contains:

  • the number of Committee members.

  • a BLS public key for each Committee member.

  • the number of Committee signatures required.

An L2 KeysetManager contract maintains a list of currently valid Keysets. The L3 chain's Owner can add or remove Keysets from this list. When a Keyset becomes valid, the KeysetManager contract emits an L2 event containing the Keyset's hash and full contents. This allows the contents to be recovered later by anyone, given only the Keyset hash.

Although the API does not limit the number of Keysets that can be valid at the same time, normally only one Keyset will be valid.

Last updated