Portfolio Elements

Portfolio Assets

The Portfolio Assets elements shows a comprehensive list of assets for a given address:

We can make various adjustments in the element settings such as viewing our own connected wallet, a custom wallet address or the combined portfolio for an address list. Equally we can change the denomination from USD to ETH alongside additional adjustments.


The Trades/Positions element shows the trades of the wallet you have connected to SankoTools. It can be a useful addition to a portfolio monitoring layout:

Portfolio Map

The Portfolio Map displays a visualization of the assets within the wallet we have connected to SankoTools:

NFT portfolio

The portfolio element can be used to track any address or list of addresses. On first glance it shows the current:

  • Value of the wallets NFT holdings

  • Cost

  • Number of NFT's held

  • A treemap of holdings by weighting

  • A map of address activity

Click through the other tabs to see most recent trades, collection inflows and outflows of the wallet by timeframe, and recent mints.

Click on a collection in the collections tab to pull up the wallets holdings, as well as a chart showing where they bought and sold.

Address Token Flows

The Address Token Flows element shows the token flows in and out of an address or address list across chains:

In the element settings we can change the lookback period and address or address list we are interested in:

Last updated