Sanko Overview

As a custom implementation of Arbitrum AnyTrust that settles to Arbitrum, Sanko features a 10-100x decrease in transaction cost and increase in TPS compared to standard optimistic rollups. Sanko’s fundamental improvement over existing rollups lies within improved computation and memory, significantly more efficient data availability, and enhanced developer tooling via Stylus.

Sanko features two computation engines: an EVM and a virtual machine that executes WebAssembly (WASM), a modern binary format used in major browsers and web standards to speed up computation. This design decision has three major effects on its functionality:

  1. It allows for Geth’s EVM implementation to be used directly, enabling Sanko to maintain full EVM equivalence and low transaction fees simultaneously.

  2. Any programming language that can compile down to WASM, including Rust, C, and C++, will eventually be able to be used to write smart contracts on Sanko. Smart contracts written in different programming languages will also be composable, allowing, for example, Rust developers to call programs or rely on dependencies written in Solidity or vice versa.

  3. Faster execution and reduced transaction fees due to WASM’s significantly greater efficiency compared to EVM. WASM’s increased efficiency also makes memory over 100x less costly, making consuming RAM viable for dApps.

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