Managing Collections

Listing on Sudoswap

Compatible ERC721 and ERC1155 NFTs can be deposited and traded on sudoswap immediately after they are minted, without the need for collections to be manually listed.

For a collection to show up in the search bar, it must have at least one liquidity pool or past volume on sudoswap. However, even if a collection does not show up, holders can still create liquidity pools for it as normal.

Launching on Sudoswap

There is no special procedure to launch an NFT collection on sudoswap. Simply mint your NFTs and deposit them to an auction or other liquidity pool of your choice:

  1. Deploy an NFT smart contract as you would for any other collection.

  2. Mint part or all of the supply to an address you control.

  3. Create an auction or other liquidity pool on sudoswap with those NFTs.

  4. Tell collectors to buy from the liquidity pool.

Last updated